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BioForecasting and Early Warning Platform help with:

    Risk Assessment, 

                     Risk Mitigation,

                                   Risk Management, and

                                                  Risk Communication!



Crown Risk Score!

The Ailysium Confidence Seal! 

The Ailysium Confidence Seal! 

AiX- Crown Risk Scores!

                       Reduces Risk & Increases Confidence!

                                   Ensures the Safety & Health of Community!

Commercial Bioforecasting! 

AiX Platform

The Ailysium

Like commercial meteorology, commercial bio-forecasting and Alert System by AilluminateX can satisfy unmet demand for disease outbreaks and forecasts and warnings with informed and insightful decisions tailored to consumer and corporate interests.

Touchless Devices

AI-Based Smart Touchless Devices for
                       Modern Cities, 
                                       Better Health &
                                                     Enhanced Security 

Explainable AI
Science - Engineering - Technology 

​AilluminateX  harnesses the power of data analytics with predictive learning to help mitigate the spread of infection.

We deliver high-quality AI-based forecast snapshots in real time and informed decisions, with unique insights into local risks at any time and place and type of business,  prepared by qualified experts & professional public health centers and agencies. 

Globally, government agencies funding for disease forecasting and outbreak warning is limited. That’s where the private entities such as AilluminateX can close the gap.

The Ailysium Analytics

Predictive Learning 

Global Content Delivery Through

LUMEN Technology

Global Content Delivery at Scale, Speed and Near Zero Latency. System that is Designed to Deliver: 
         Near-Zero Latency,
                 The Fastest, and
                           Most Secure Platform
                                       for Next-Gen Apps & Data!

Digital Content Delivery

Near Zero Latency

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